Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Yassa Chicken(Poulet au Yassa)


  • 3-4 pounds of chicken , skin-on 
  • 1-2 lemon cut 
  • 2 Lârge Onions Sliced 
  • 4 cloves of gârlic , minced 
  • Nârrows leâf 
  • 2 solid shâpes Mâggie (1 Tâblespoon Chicken Bouillon) 
  • ½ glâss olive oil 
  • 2 Tâblespoon mustârd 
  • Sâlt ând pepper 
  • 1/2 - 1 tâblespoon câyenne pepper 
  • Hâbânerâ Pepper (Scotch Bonnet) 


  1. Trim chicken of âbundânce fât ând pât dry with â fâbric or pâper nâpkin ând sâlt 
  2. Set up the mârinâde of lemon juice, onions, pepper, minced gârlic, ând Mâggie. Drench the chicken with the mârinâte ând refrigerâte for 2 hours , ideâlly medium-term 
  3. Preheât â hot grill, flâme broil, frying pân or skillet. 
  4. Plâce chicken on the flâme broil covered with cooking splâsh; bârbecue 5 minutes on eâch side or until sâutéed 
  5. While the chicken cooks. Wârmth the sâuce dish with oil in â profound skillet ând broil the onions with the nârrows leâves, mustârd ând mârinâte squeeze left finished from the chicken for âround 5 minutes
  6. ...........................
  7. .....................................

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