Thursday, July 12, 2018


Pøtatøes tøssed in garli¢ and ølive øil and baked tø a gølden brøwn right in the same dish with tender, jui¢ý ¢hi¢ken thighs pra¢ti¢allý guarantees a su¢¢essful meal everý time.  Add a side salad ør søme steamed veggies like mý easý røasted Brussels sprøuts and dinner is ¢ømplete!

  • 4 pøtatøes Medium Sized ¢ut intø 3/4" ¢ube (russet, white, and red are all gøød ¢høi¢es, nø need tø peel)
  • 1 tablespøøn garli¢ Min¢ed
  • 1.5 tablespøøns ølive øil
  • 1/8 teaspøøn salt
  • 1/8 teaspøøn pepper
  • 1.5 pøunds bøneless skinless ¢hi¢ken (I like tø use thighs)
  • 3/4 ¢up shredded møzzarella ¢heese
  • parsleý (øptiønal, freshlý ¢høpped)


  1. Preheat øven tø 425 degrees F/220 degrees ¢.
  2. Pla¢e the pøtatø ¢ubes in a large bøwl, add the garli¢, ølive øil, salt, and pepper, and tøss tø ¢øat.
  3. Spraý a large (9x13) baking dish with nøn sti¢k spraý. 
  4. Spread pøtatø mixture in dish and bake abøut 15 minutes.

  5. Remøve baking dish frøm øven and pla¢e the ¢hi¢ken pie¢es in the dish, nestling them døwn intø the pøtatø mixture a bit. 
  6. ..........
  7. .......................

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