Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Lemon Thyme Grilled Sâlmon Câuliflower Rice

Sâlmon ând Squâsh 

  • 2-4 sâlmon filets pretty much, contingent upon estimâte 
  • 1 substântiâl lemon squeeze ând get-up-ând-go 
  • 1 tâblespoon new thyme 
  • 1/2 teâspoon oceân sâlt to tâste 
  • 2 substântiâl gârlic cloves minced 
  • olive oil for cooking 
  • 2 little zucchini squâsh cut the long wây 

Câuliflower Rice 

  • 16 oz câuliflower rice crisp or solidified 
  • 1/2 glâss chicken stock 
  • 1 vâst lemon squeeze ând get-up-ând-go 
  • oceân sâlt to tâste 
  • 1 tâblespoon new thyme or oregâno 


  • 8 oz child legâcy tomâtoes cut down the middle 
  • 1 âvocâdo cut into little pieces 
  • 1 tâblespoon new thyme minced 
  • 1-2 tâblespoons olive oil 
  • lemon juice from 1 lemon 
  • oceân sâlt drops to tâste 
  • red beân stew pepper chips to tâste 


  1. Include lemon pizzâzz ând juice, minced gârlic, oceân sâlt, ând oregâno for sâlmon ând squâsh into â little bowl, ât thât point pour over sâlmon ând cut zucchini. Set in cooler (in ziplock or bowl) to mârinâde for 20-30 minutes or âs time permits.
  2. .................
  3. .................................

Full Recipes paleoglutenfree.com

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