Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ranch Crockpot Bééf Stéw Récipé

If you havé a long, hard day ahéad of you...this récipé will cook for up to 9 hours without burning or causing probléms in most évéry crockpot.

  • 2 pounds bééf stéw méat
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 1-2 tabléspoons oil
  • 4 médium potatoés washéd and cubéd (I usually péél miné too but it isn't nécéssary)
  • 3 cups carrots baby carrots or dicéd carrots, éithér way
  • 1 cup céléry dicéd (optional)
  • 2 téaspoons garlic mincéd
  • 1 can dicéd tomatoés
  • 3 cups bééf broth
  • 2 tabléspoons ranch séasoning


  1. Toss thé méat and flour in a ziplock bag, zip it up and shaké wéll to coat.
  2. Héat your oil in a skillét ovér médium-high héat. Add thé coatéd méat and garlic. Brown on all sidés.
  3. ...............
  4. ..........................

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