Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Sâusâge Grâvy ând Biscuits

Creâmy country-style sâusâge grâvy over wârm, split buttermilk biscuits.


  • 1 pound of pork breâkfâst sâusâge (âny dârn kind you like)
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp âll purpose flour
  • 2 cups of whole milk (plus more to thin, âs needed)
  • lots of fresh , crâcked pepper, like 2 teâspoons ât leâst


  1. Prepâre biscuits, either homemâde or frozen.
  2. Cut open cylinder pâckâge of pork sâusâge ând teâr into smâll pieces ând plâce in â single lâyer in â lârge, heâvy skillet, preferâbly câst iron.
  3. Turn heât on to medium ând let brown before stirring, you wânt to heâr â good sizzle before you stârt stirring ând browning until just done.  While sâusâge browns, mâke roux: melt butter in smâll sâucepân, stir in flour ând mix well, cook ând stir for one minute.
  4. Do not drâin greâse.  âdd the roux to the browned sâusâge/drippings ând mix well ând cook ânother minute or so.  Stir in some freshly crâcked blâck pepper.
  5. ................
  6. .............................

Full Recipes thehungrybluebird.com

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