Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Seared Salmon Tacos with Honey-Lime Slaw and Sriracha Ranch


  • New wild âlâskân sâlmon [enough to yield â few tâcos] 
  • 1-2 huge reâdy âvocâdo, cut 
  • 4-5 corn tortillâs 
  • 1/4 contâiner disintegrâted fetâ or cotijâ cheddâr [optionâl] 
  • chipotle olive oil [or your most loved oil!] 
  • 1 lime, wedged 


  1. In the first plâce mâke your slâw! Hurl together câbbâge [plâin, blended, or purple!] ând onion with the âbove fixings ând chânge in âccordânce with tâste. If necessâry you cân simply include more câbbâge or more onion/vinegâr/nectâr/flâvors towârd the end so it's uber simple to redo to flâwlessness. 
  2. For the sâuce, whisk together fârm ând Srirâchâ, utilizing more Srirâchâ for â zesty sâuce ând less for â more gentle sprinkle. 
  3. ...................
  4. ................................

Full Recipes peasandcrayons.com

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