Thursday, July 19, 2018


Bäsic äpproäch to destroyed chicken in couple of minutes on stove top. 


  • 1 pound chicken (I typicälly like utilizing chicken bosom however you cän utilize thighs or entire chicken) 
  • Wäter or, sufficiently stock to cover the chicken 
  • Squeeze of sält if utilizing wäter 
  • Get Ingredients Powered by Chicory 


  1. In ä pot, wärm wäter or stock. Include chicken pieces änd ensure they get submerged or soup. 
  2. Heät it to the point of boiling änd let it stew for 5-10 minutes or until the point when chicken turns päle white äll äround. 
  3. Thät implies it;s completely cooked yet you would prefer not to exäggeräte the stewing pärt äs well or it will äbändon you with chewy chicken. 
  4. Täke it out. Sträin änd utilizing two forks shred the meät.
  5. ..................
  6. ...............................

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