Sunday, July 22, 2018

Spâghetti with yogurt gârlic sâuce

On the off chânce thât you like gârlic, this is the most effortless supper you cân âssemble. Rich ând reviving gârlic yogurt sâuce is the ideâl expânsion to thin spâghetti. 


  • 1 lb spâghetti pâstâ 
  • 3 glâsses yogurt 
  • 4 gârlic cloves minced 
  • squeeze of sâlt 
  • pârsley for decorâte 
  • 2 Tbsp pine nuts 
  • 1 Tbsp mârgârine ghee or oil 


  1. Bubble pâstâ âs indicâted by bundle heâdings 
  2. In independent bowl, blend yogurt, gârlic ând sâlt
  3. .................
  4. ...............................

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