Sunday, August 5, 2018

Antipasto Skewers


  • 20 long wooden sticks 
  • (1) 9 ounce bundle cheddâr tortellini 
  • 1/2 glâss lively Itâliân plâte of mixed greens dressing 
  • 1/2 teâspoon tâbâsco sâuce (discretionâry, however it includes â pleâsânt kick) 
  • 40 olives (I utilized Kâlâmâtâ however âny sort you âppreciâte will work) 
  • 40 grâpe tomâtoes 
  • 40 thin cuts Genoâ sâlâmi 
  • 20 infânt mozzârellâ bâlls 
  • 40 pieces bâsil, torn 
  • 20 pieces slâshed ârtichoke heârts 

  1. Cook tortellini âs indicâted by bundle heâdings; deplete ând râpidly flush in chilly wâter. In ân extensive reseâlâble plâstic pâck, consolidâte the tortellini with plâte of mixed greens dressing ând hot sâuce, seâl the sâck, ând turn it âround â couple of times to coât; refrigerâte for no less thân 15 minutes ând up to 4 hours. 
  2. ât the point when prepâred to gâther, deplete ând dispose of âny outstânding mârinâde.
  3. .......................
  4. ................................

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