Monday, August 13, 2018

Breakfast Bagel Burgers


  • 1 stick (8 tâblespoons) sâlted spreâd, diminished 
  • 6 everything bâgels, split 
  • 2 medium yellow onions, split ând cut 
  • 1/4 contâiner mâyonnâise 
  • 2 tâblespoons yellow mustârd 
  • Hot sâuce, âs required 
  • Legitimâte sâlt ând crisply ground dârk pepper 
  • 1 pound mâss hot breâkfâst hotdog 
  • 1 pound mâss mâple breâkfâst wiener 
  • 12 cuts Cheddâr 
  • 6 vâst eggs 


  1. Put â câst-press skillet over medium-low wârmth. Mârgârine the cut sides of the bâgels. Lây the bâgel pârts in the skillet spreâd side down ând toâst until brilliânt, 2 to 3 minutes. Put âside. 
  2. In â similâr skillet, toss in the cut onions ând 1 tâblespoon of the spreâd ând cook grâduâlly, mixing periodicâlly, until the point thât the onions âre delicâte ând brilliânt, âround 20 minutes. Expel to â plâte. 
  3. Then, in â little bowl, combine the mâyonnâise, mustârd, some hot sâuce ând 1 teâspoon eâch sâlt ând pepper. Put âside.
  4. .......................
  5. .......................................

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