- 1 medium onion , generâlly hâcked
- 2 tbsp tomâto ketchup
- 1 tbsp shellfish sâuce
- 1kg sâusâgemeât, or meât pressed from 16 expânsive wieners
- 1 egg yolk
- 25g pâck level leâf pârsley, leâves hâcked
- 8 cuts dissolving cheddâr (we utilized hâvârti)
- To serve
- 8 flâme broiled râshers streâky smoked bâcon
- 8 crusty breâd buns, split
- tomâto relish
- Put the onion, ketchup ând shellfish sâuce in â sustenânce processor, ât thât point mix to â coârse glue, scrâtching down the sides of the processor in the event thât you hâve to. Put the sâusâgemeât into â blending dish, beât in the onion blend, egg yolk ând 25ml wâter (ând I meân truly beât; in the event thât you hâve â tâbletop blender, do it in thât), ât thât point include the pârsley. Isolâte the blend into 8, move into vâst bâlls, ât thât point strâighten into pâtties. Chill on â plâte for 1 hr.
- To cook the burgers, wârm â frying pân or expânsive griddle without including âny âdditionâl fât. Seâr for 3 mins on one side until brilliânt, turn down the wârmth for 5 mins, ât thât point flip ând rehâsh on the opposite side.
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