Sunday, August 12, 2018

Cocoa Coconut Granola


  • 7 c. out-dâted oâts 
  • 1 tbsp. coârse genuine sâlt* 
  • 4 tbsp. unsweetened cocoâ powder 
  • 1 tsp. cârdâmom 
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnâmon 


  • 1 c. olive oil 
  • 1 c. unâdulterâted mâple syrup 
  • 1/2 tsp. unâdulterâted vânillâ concentrâte 


  • 1/3 c. unsweetened chipped coconut 
  • 1/3 c. crude frâgmented âlmonds 
  • 2/3 c. crude pepitâ seeds 
  • 1/3 c. hemp seeds 


  1. Preheât broiler to 350°, ensuring two stove râcks âre introduced—one in the conventionâl center ând one just beneâth. Plâce two unlined heâting sheets on the counter. Put âside. 
  2. Mix together âll the dry fixings in ân expânsive bowl. Moderâte tip: meâsure the sâlt before the cocoâ powder to sidestep cleâning the utensil. Moreover, utilize â 1/2 teâspoon estimâtion for âll teâspoon estimâtions to eliminâte grimy dishes.
  3. ....................
  4. ..................................

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