Sunday, August 12, 2018

No-Bake Dark Chocolate Granola

  • 2 contâiners moved oâts 
  • 1/2 contâiner sâlted sunflower seeds 
  • 1/2 contâiner toâsted frâgmented âlmonds 
  • 1/4 contâiner chocolâte-hâzelnut spreâd 
  • 1/4 contâiner smooth âlmond mârgârine 
  • 2 tâblespoons nectâr 
  • 1 teâspoon legitimâte sâlt 
  • 1/4 contâiner dim chocolâte pieces 
  1. In â huge blending dish, join the moved oâts, sunflower seeds ând frâgmented âlmonds 
  2. Mix together the chocolâte-hâzelnut spreâd, âlmond mârgârine ând nectâr in â little sâucepot set over medium-low wârmth. Cook until the point thât simply liquefied ând joined, âround 2 minutes.
  3. ........................
  4. ........................................

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