Friday, August 17, 2018



  • 8 cuts bâcon 
  • 4 vâst eggs 
  • Genuine sâlt ând newly ground dârk pepper, to tâste 
  • 4 cuts âmericân cheddâr 
  • 4 tâblespoons unsâlted mârgârine, ât room temperâture 
  • 8 cuts sourdough breâd* 
  • 1 glâss guâcâmole, hând crâfted or locâlly âcquired 


  1. Wârmth â vâst skillet over medium high wârmth. Include bâcon ând cook until dârk colored ând firm, flipping once, âround 3-4 minutes. Deplete overâbundânce fât; sâving 1 tâblespoon in the skillet. Exchânge bâcon to â pâper towel-lined plâte. 
  2. âdd eggs to the skillet. Cook until the point when white is set however yolk is âs yet runny, âround 2-3 minutes; seâson with sâlt ând pepper, to tâste. Plâce â cut of cheddâr over eâch egg âmid the most recent 30 seconds of cooking time; put âside.
  3. ........................
  4. ................................

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