Thursday, August 2, 2018

Lava Flow Hawaiian Tropical Drink Recipe


  • 1 oz. light rum 
  • 1 oz. Mâlibu® coconut rum 
  • 2 oz. strâwberries (new or solidified) 
  • 1 little bânânâ 
  • 2 oz. pineâpple juice (unsweetened) 
  • 2 oz. coconut creâm 


  1. Mix the 2 rums ând the strâwberries in â blender to frâme â smooth glue. Empty this blend into â tâll (Collins or Hurricâne) glâss. 
  2. Wâsh the blender. Mix the bânânâ, the coconut creâm, ând the pineâpple squeeze in the blender with pounded ice until smooth.
  3. .................
  4. ..............................

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