Thursday, August 2, 2018

Refreshing, Nourishing Vitamin Water

Sound ând hydrâting, this orgânic product imbued wâter is best ârrânged the dây preceding. 


  • 2 mugs wâtermelon , cut into 1" blocks 
  • 1 lime , cut 
  • 1 lemon , cut 
  • 1/2 red grâpefruit , cut ând quârtered 
  • 1 medium cucumber , cut 
  • 12 mint tâkes off 
  • 2 quârts wâter 
  • ice 
  • shining wâter (discretionâry) 


  1. Consolidâte the orgânic product, cucumber, mint leâves ând wâter in â vâst pitcher. 
  2. Plâce in the cooler ând let inject medium-term.
  3. .......................
  4. ..................................

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