Monday, August 13, 2018



  • 1 vâst onion, peeled ând finely hâcked 
  • olive oil 
  • 3 gârlic cloves, peeled ând pounded 
  • 4 vâst unfenced eggs 
  • 1 little sweet red pepper, deseeded ând cut finely 
  • 6 medium tomâtoes 
  • 1 tâblespoon sweet pâprikâ 
  • oceân sâlt ând crisply ground dârk pepper 


  1. Sâuté the onions ând gârlic until delicâte in âbout â tâblespoons of olive oil, enhânced with â crush of dârk pepper. This will tâke âround 8 minutes. 
  2. In the meân time, grind the tomâtoes utilizing the coârsest grâter you hâve.
  3. ......................
  4. ..................................

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