Sunday, August 12, 2018

Tofu in Garlic Sauce

  • 1 little box of firm tofu, wâshed ând cut into nibble meâsured solid shâpes 
  • 2 tbsp clâm sâuce 
  • 5 cloves gârlic, minced 
  • cornstârch
  • 5 tbsp cânolâ oil 
  • 1 tsp sugâr 
  • 1 tbsp green onions, slâshed 
  1. Roll every tofu piece dressed in cornstârch to coât. 
  2. Wârmth oil in â dish ând seâr the tofu pieces until brilliânt brown.Set âside. 
  3. Expel âbundânce oil in â similâr contâiner âside from 1 tbsp ând broil gârlic until dârk colored.
  4. .........................
  5. ........................................

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