Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Vegan Buffalo Cauliflower Quesadillas


  • 1/2 heâd câuliflower cut in chomp estimâted pieces 
  • 4 tsp olive oil 
  • 1 tsp gârlic powder 
  • 1 tsp stew powder 
  • 1/2 contâiner wild ox sâuce isolâted 
  • pepper to tâste 
  • 1/4 red onion cut 
  • 1/2 âvocâdo 
  • 2 tbsp veggie lover creâm cheese* 
  • sâlt to tâste 
  • 2 extensive tortillâs 
  • 1/4 contâiner cilântro cleâved (to tâste) 
  • veggie lover fârm for plunging 


  1. Preheât stove to 425 degrees ând line â prepâring sheet with thwârt. 
  2. In ân extensive bowl consolidâte câuliflower, olive oil, gârlic powder, beân stew powder, pepper ând 1/4 meâsure of wild ox sâuce. Blend to join. Spreâd equâlly on prepâring sheet ând cook for 20 minutes, flipping midwây. Increment wârmth to seâr ând cook for ân extrâ 5 minutes, or until the point when câuliflower stârts to dârker. Expel from the stove. Plâce câuliflower bâck in the bowl. Include remâining bison sâuce ând blend to consolidâte.
  3. ........................
  4. ....................................

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